Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Landscape Assignment 5 - post tutor comments

As I said in the introduction to this final assignment,  I found this the most difficult to date and the comments from my tutor bear out my struggles. I would have liked to have spent  time in more remote locations and at times when the light was particularly dramatic but this did not prove to be possible. I found the comments, as always, constructive and pertinent.

As pointed out by my tutor, many of the photographs submitted for the assignment would have been better with more shadow or lower camera angle. Some would have been enhanced with tighter cropping.

I have made some adjustments to several of the photographs to try and reflect the points made in the tutor report.

Photograph 6

This was considered to have too much empty space in the foreground and I have cropped the shot to bring more emphasis to the stumps.

Photograph 4

If I were to take this shot again, I would use a wide-angle lens as suggested but I have attempted to improve the image by converting it to a square format to make the gravestone a stronger part of the frame and I have 'lost' the left hand object referred to by my tutor by using the 'Patch' tool in Photoshop.

Photograph 7

Here I have increased the contrast and removed some of the distracting branches on the left hand side.

Photograph 10

Following my tutors advice, I have increased the contrast and created a gap betweeen the top of the cross and the overhanging branch. I think this is much better but perhaps there should be a gap between the tree trunk and the right-hand branch. Or is this being over sensitive?

All the above shots are somewhat better as a result of the adjustments but none even approach the quality of those produced by Fay Godwin!

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